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District and Session Courts Haripur Jobs 2022

District and Session Courts Haripur Jobs 2022

Here, we illuminate the work locaters regarding Haripur about the most recent Government Jobs in Haripur. We observe an ad in regards to District and Session Courts Haripur Jobs 2022. Competitors holding the house of Haripur are qualified for this enrollment.


These opportunities are open for both male and female candidates. Minorities amount will be noticed too. Up-and-comers who are now working in Government Departments may likewise apply through the appropriate channel.

Posted Date



Matric, Master, Bachelor, Intermediate

Job Location



District & Session Courts

Last Date

February 04, 2022

The equipped authority is employing applications for the enlistment of Computer Operator, Junior Scale Stenographer, Junior Clerk, and Driver. An aggregate of 28 positions is opening including 7 for Computer Operator, 7 for Junior Scale Stenographer, 12 for Junior Clerk, and 2 for Driver.


Competitors having MSc Computer Science, BIT, BCS, or identical capabilities might go after Computer Operator Positions. Candidates holding Intermediate capabilities with 50 wpm shorthand and 35 wpm composing speed are qualified for Junior Scale Stenographer Jobs.


Matric Pass competitors having a base 30 wpm composing pace can go after Junior Clerk Positions. Center pass competitors having HTV/LTV Driving License are qualified for Drivers posts. Competitors searching for Government Jobs in KPK ought to likewise apply for Directorate of Youth Affairs KPK Jobs.

Post Name:

Computer Operator


Junior Clerk

How to Apply for District and Session Courts Haripur Jobs 2022?

Competitors who need to apply and are qualified by the given rules might advance their applications to the District and Session Judge, Haripur.

Applications should hold all important data and archives which should reach before February fourth, 2022.

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