Posted Date
Matric , Middle , Inter , DEA , Bachelor
Job Location
Pakistan Army
Last Date
Sep– 27-2021
Pakistan Army PO Box No 750 GPO Rawalpindi Jobs 2021 :
Pakistan Army PO Box No 750 GPO Rawalpindi Jobs 2021 are accepting applications from qualified, energetic, and eligible Pakistani nationals. On September 12, 2021, we acquire this advertising from the Daily Express newspaper. Applicants interested in Pak Army Jobs should study this post and apply for the positions they wish.
Assistant, Statistical Assistant, Steno-Typist, Security Supervisor Technical, Data Entry Operator, Library Assistant, Technicians, Camera Operator, Information Assistant, Technical Assistant, Upper Divison Clerk UDC, Assistant Security Supervisor – Technical, Translator, Lower Division Clerk, Calligraphist, and Projectionist are among the positions available in the Pakistan Army in 2021.
Candidates must be Pakistani citizens with a valid Pakistani address. These Government Organization Jobs are available on a temporary basis with the possibility of becoming permanent. Employees of the government are encouraged to apply through the proper channels. Selected candidates may be assigned to Rawalpindi.
Interested applicants can review the list of open positions and apply for the chosen position if they fulfil the post's qualifying conditions. Literate, Matriculation, Intermediate, DAE, and Bachelor's Degree holders are all eligible for these positions. Each post's requirements can be found in the advertisement. In addition, candidates should meet the experience and competence requirements.
Candidates must submit their information in the manner provided, along with a copy of their CNIC and recent pictures.
Applicants must deposit a Rs. 200 Application Processing Fee and include the bank deposit slip with their application.
Applications should be sent to Admin Officer, GPO, Rawalpindi, P.O Box No. 750.
Jobs Ghars Website: ✏✏✏✏✏✏✏✏✏✏✏✏✏✏✏
You can find all the government and private jobs in Pakistan on JobsGhars website. This is the first website of Pakistan on which you can find advertisements of Armed Forces and all the newspapers in Pakistan which you can find here together. So you can get information about your job from this website. Here you can find all the Jobs Ads of Pakistan in the department in which you want to apply. Find the ads from here and apply for it.
We take advertisements from the following newspapers.
12 Express News Paper
12 Jang News Paper
12 Daily Pakistan News Paper
12 Daily Duniya News Paper
12 Nawaiwaqt News Paper
12 Daily Ummat
12 Daily K2
12 Urdu point
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